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Is Residential Design My Calling?

This summer I got more experience in residential design working with Sarah. In school most of my projects have been commercial design and I want to work at a firm who specializes in commercial design after I graduate--well that is if I can't work as a set designer. Before college I was interested in residential design and really, I thought that was the only thing interior designer did, maybe the occasional commercial project but mostly residential. I thought this because I watched HGTV growing up. I would draw space plans for my bedroom or make believe houses. When I got to college and took my first interior design class the first thing that was emphasized was that interior design is not HGTV. Since I am going to college to be an interior DESIGNER rather than just being a decorator, we have to have the knowledge all designers have so we can have the title: interior designer. Working with Sarah this summer showed me that residential could also be a good path to go on and it was nice to be able to get experience with residential design since I have not done many projects in the field of design. To answer the title of this post, I'm not sure that residential is my calling, like I mentioned before I am really interested in set design and commercial but now would not be upset if I did end up in residential design.

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