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Potential Home Town Client

The past few weeks I have gotten to work on multiple projects with many different clients. Currently I am working on a Kitchen remodel, as well as, working on the total home renovation and clinic and we just got a new client. The new client is getting their house redone by the Home Town show but I am getting to work with Sarah on a small part of the house. I am helping her with the master bedroom, the back hallway and guest bathroom. We just started with this new client so I haven't done much but start to pick out furniture and finishes for the areas. A client we just finished with was a home remodel and I got to help pick out new rugs and potential furniture for them. When the rugs came in I helped install them and draperies that Sarah picked out. Its always fun getting to see things you ordered online come in and work so well with the space.

Projects that I have been working on all summer are still going well and right on track. We have had to put the clinic project on the back burner but it is not a pressing project so its fine. I love being able to see the progress on the total home renovation come together and I can't wait to see the finished product. It is great seeing how a different designer looks at things and I have heard nothing but great things from the clients when we show them selections or when they saw the installments. Sarah is a great designer to work under and I love her vision with the projects.

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