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Will AutoCAD Be The Death Of Me?

Its seventh week of working as an intern for Laurel Design Co. and its still going great! Definitely does not feel like the seventh week though... where has the time gone? On Monday, Claire and I went to a client's house to make a decision for blinds to order. We brought samples of three options we picked out with Sarah to see which one worked best with the flooring, wooden mantel and lighting in the space. We also went to City Home Center and picked out some flooring and tile for the clinic project and to another place to look at quartz. Things are finally moving along for this project, the drawings were approved and now it is material selection time. Tuesday I worked on an AutoCAD drawing for a client we are doing a full renovation for. She wanted to add a deck, back porch and bird room to the side/back of the house. I drew three options for her and once she made her mind on which one she wanted I added dimensions to the drawing and sent it to the contractor. On Wednesday, I worked on drawing elevations in AutoCAD for a client who is remodeling her kitchen. I am still frenemies with CAD, learning more about the program, but still ways away from being a pro. Hopefully it will happen before the summer's over. Going from working in Revit for school projects, to AutoCAD for this internship has taken some getting use to. I still will have to admit that I prefer Revit but I will get back to you once the summer is over. Thursday I helped Sarah do an installation for a client, we installed new rugs and draperies. I also worked on putting together some selections for the kitchen remodel. I looked at lighting, tables, chairs and cabinet style options. Friday I continued to look at options for the kitchen remodel project.

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